Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Risk Management And Managing A Health Care Organization

Introduction Risks to patients, employees, and organizations are prevalent in healthcare. Operating and managing a health care organization consists of many important factors. Factors such as finance, safety, and most importantly, patient care (CITE Scranton University). These factors play a major role in the success of the organization. Therefore, it is important for an organization to have qualified healthcare risk managers to assess, develop, implement, and monitor risk management plans with the goal of minimizing exposure. Mitigating such risk through management practices will allow for a better overall functionality of the organization along with minimizing unwanted incidents. Identifying risks is the first step in risk management.†¦show more content†¦Health care managers identify and evaluate risks as a means to reduce injury to patients, staff members, and visitors within an organization. Potential risk can include any factor that possess a threat to the well-being of the employe e, patient, and organization. Those risks can consist of incidents, such as falls, slips, breech of information, onsite injuries, documentation errors, communication errors, unnecessary medical procedures, etc. Moving on, interpreting the operation of a health care facility, for example, that of an emergency department can be quite complex. Emergency departments in general are usually very busy. Most patients arriving at an emergency department believe they are in a medical crisis. Based on reported data, a significant majority of patients who present to EDs are overreacting to a nonemergency situation (BOOK). The emergency department of a small town is faced with a massive amount of patients seeking medical attention. They typically never experience such a large group of patients but due to the holidays, visitors have become ill and are seeking emergency services due to not being close to their primary care physicians. This emergency department is equipped with only 50 beds and 4 emergency medicine physicians but only one is present at the time, usually there is always 2

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